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Rhinoplasty in dearborn

Rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure that is used to alter the shape and size of the nose. While there are some non-surgical options for minor changes to the nose, such as using dermal fillers to smooth out bumps or humps. We offer this treatment here in laderma located at Dearborn.

Rhinoplasty without surgery

There are some non-surgical options for improving the appearance of the nose that can be considered as an alternative to traditional rhinoplasty surgery. These options include:

Dermal fillers: Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers can be used to reshape the nose by adding volume to specific areas. For example, a filler can be injected into the bridge of the nose to make it appear straighter or to create a more defined tip. Results are temporary and typically last between six months to a year.

Thread lifts: A thread lift involves the use of dissolvable sutures to lift and reshape the nose. The sutures are inserted through tiny incisions made in the skin and are used to lift the skin and underlying tissue. The threads gradually dissolve over time, leaving behind a lifted and reshaped nose.

Botox: Botox injections can be used to alter the appearance of the nose by relaxing the muscles that pull the nose down when smiling or laughing. This can create a lifted appearance and may help reduce the appearance of a drooping or downturned tip.

What does rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid achieve?

Hyaluronic acid fillers are a type of injectable gel that is composed of a substance that occurs naturally in the body. When injected into the skin, the filler adds volume and helps to smooth out wrinkles and lines.

When used for rhinoplasty, hyaluronic acid fillers can achieve several results, including:

Reshaping the nose: Fillers can be used to add volume to the bridge of the nose, creating a straighter or more defined appearance. This can help correct a nasal hump or bump.

Enhancing the tip: Fillers can also be used to reshape the tip of the nose, creating a more lifted or refined appearance.

Correcting asymmetry: Fillers can help correct asymmetry in the nose, creating a more balanced and proportional appearance.

Improving the appearance of scars: Fillers can be used to fill in depressions or irregularities caused by previous surgery or injury.

How does the treatment proceed?

The treatment for rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid typically proceeds as follows:

Consultation: The first step in the process is to have a consultation with a qualified injector. During this consultation, you will discuss your goals for the procedure and your medical history. The injector will examine your nose and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Anesthesia: In most cases, anesthesia is not needed for rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid. However, a topical numbing cream may be applied to the treatment area to minimize any discomfort.

Injection: The injector will use a small needle to inject the hyaluronic acid filler into specific areas of the nose. The procedure typically takes between 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

Evaluation: After the injections are complete, the injector will evaluate the results and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a natural-looking outcome.

Recovery: There is little to no downtime after rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid. Most people are able to return to normal activities immediately after the procedure. Some mild swelling, bruising, or redness may occur, but these typically resolve within a few days.

Maintenance: The results of rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid are temporary and typically last between six months to a year. To maintain the desired results, touch-up treatments may be necessary.

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